Wow!Bronze New Edition is out!

Wow!Bronze New Edition is out!

Based on valuable comments and feedback from teachers we published a new edition of the popular Wow!Bronze for primary school pupils in 3rd grade (aged 8-9) called Wow!Bronze New Edition

Learning with Wow!Bronze New Edition is the same as the original version in terms of vocabulary, grammar and video material.

The new version of workbook is clearer and more organized. You will find more space for answers (the space for answers is always marked in white and is more spacious than before), the assignments are clearly separated and the texts are neatly arranged in lines. Yet it has lost none of its colour and playfulness for pupils.

In addition, it is more differentiated, with fewer compulsory tasks so that your lesson does not become a marathon of writing exercises, and more bonus tasks to motivate talented pupils. It will help all children, both gifted and those with Specific Learning Difficulties (SLD), to succeed.

To test your pupils' knowledge, we recommend testing and assessing them using our tests that assess all 4 language skills, and without unnecessary stress. You can find the tests on Wow!Academy after ordering the Wow!Bronze materials.

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